sticky comics Thursday Mornings!

Hi buddies! Some of you have been asking where they can read my original comics. For starters, original new comics by me will now appear every Thursday morning at 10AM EST! Yay!

And if you missed a couple and want to catch up, here are links to the new comics that have already appeared on Cosmo for your perusal:

I will also be re-running some of these here on after a while! And thanks everyone who asked to see these — I hope you’re enjoying my Cosmo comics, and I promise I’ll post more non-Cosmo comics here after a while too! :)


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Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff! Please support me on ko-fi by buying a print or donating.

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Don't miss out. Get an email every Friday morning with my latest comics!

what’s this?

Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff!

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Don't miss out. Get an email every Friday morning with my latest comics!