sticky comics


Hey sticky friends! Looking at my website, I realize that I’m overdue on a few things. Among them, I was going to write a post-followup followup since the last MoCCA post in April. This was going to include links to some other awesome artists I saw at MoCCA. But then I suddenly and unexpected moved to a new apartment and my mojo was disrupted. I’m settled again now so let me give you a very belated list of just some of the cool MoCCA people you should check out.

I can think of at least three people who I know I left off. Once I figure out the right names I’ll have to revise this list. Please email me or comment if you are one of those people. I know, it sucks that I can’t remember. But anyway … thanks for a great time, MoCCA!

One more thing! I also stopped by a convention in Baltimore called BaltiCon on Monday, and saw some really cool panels with Howard Tayler, the creator of Schlock Mercenary. He has been doing his sci-fi webcomic for ten years!! Mind blown. I also met Hugh Casey who has a very active sci-fi journal and J. Andrew World who is an illustrator with a great cartoon style. I was only there for a few hours, and I learned a bunch and met some very cool people. And I got the latest novel I’m reading which is pretty great. Thanks, BaltiCon!


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Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff! Please support me on ko-fi by buying a print or donating.

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Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff!

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