sticky comics

SPX 2014 in DC! September 13-14


The Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland (almost DC) is this coming weekend, September 13-14! This is one of my most favorite comics-related events, where you can find a mindblowing bunch of indie comics, zines, and amazing creative types everywhere.

I’ll be appearing all day Saturday and Sunday at table A13! (Actually, table A13b, where “b” means half of table A13.) Please stop by and see me! I’ll be giving away free postcards with my art on them and selling t-shirts, tote bags, comics prints, and other stuff. Please come by and say hi :) Here’s a handy map:


See you at SPX!


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Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff! Please support me on ko-fi by buying a print or donating.

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what’s this?

Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff!

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