sticky comics

Post New York Comic Con

Hi guys! I finally recovered from the New York Comic Con. I think. That was a crazy time! There were like 100,000 people there and I feel like I met half of them. Thanks everyone who came out for making it awesome. I took some pictures and wrote a long winded livejournal post about the weekend that you can read for bonus points.

Now it’s time to make more comics! I posted a new one about Nerd Sterotypes today. The next one is going to be terrible. Stay tuned!


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Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff! Please support me on ko-fi by buying a print or donating.

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Christiann MacAuley Hi! I’m Christiann MacAuley and I’ve been creating and posting comics on this website since 2006. For more comics and recent updates, check out my GoComics site, Instagram, and author page on Cosmopolitan. Join my email list for weekly new stuff!

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